Launching E- Clinic Service.
Sunstruck is established with an aim to promote sustainable and equitable development of sanitation, hygiene & micro heath insurance renewed energy, training and improving life of the poor rural and pre-urban household.
We offer and promote market affordable preventive of primary health care, inability insure solution and provide a 360 degree health eco system including insurance like tele medicine service, hospital cash facility without any bill.
As solar technology gets more advanced and cheap, more rural households are considering solar lamps and lighting systems as a way to harness abundant sunlight. Sunstruck started the solar energy Program with the aim of providing economical and sustainable solar lighting solutions to areas which have little or no access to electricity.
Sunstruck has started sanitation awareness program with assistance of Finish Society funding by Servitium Micro Finance Private Limited and SEBA RAHARA with financial assistance of FWWB India.
Business Highlights (as on 30th April, 2022)
Providing doctor facility, insurance & hygienic service and capacity building services to downtrodden client promoting livelihoods and self-reliance of poor women.
Based on equity and social justice where women are active partners in holistic development.